The Benefits Of Using A Temperature Scanning System In Your Facility

Health & Medical Blog

Before the healthcare providers in your facility can accurately treat patients, they need to find out what their patients' body temperatures are. However, it can take valuable minutes trying to find out what a person's temperature is using thermometers that are placed under the tongue or armpit. This method of taking temperatures can also expose your healthcare workers to dangerous infections. Instead, you can implement a faster and safer way of getting this key detail about patients.

15 December 2021

How Reiki May Help With Addiction

Health & Medical Blog

If you're struggling with addiction, there are all sorts of professionals who can help you to lead a sober life. On top of your structured work to get sober, it's useful to seek out complementary therapies that can assist you in this journey. One good option to consider is reiki. You can likely find a reiki practitioner who works in your area, and then contact them to set up an appointment.

18 November 2021

Tips For People Using Prep For HIV Prevention

Health & Medical Blog

HIV prevention has come a long way in recent years. Now, those who are at risk for HIV exposure can take PrEP, a medication designed to prevent the transmission of HIV through sexual contact, and to a lesser degree, IV drug use. If you are taking PrEP or considering taking it, there are a few tips you can benefit from learning. 1. Start taking the medication before you have sexual contact.

21 October 2021

Sprained, Strained, Or Broken Ankle

Health & Medical Blog

Many people struggle with ankle pain, but if your pain has suddenly appeared, you may not know the reason. Sprains, strains, and breaks are common, but understanding the difference between them can be difficult. If you would like to know more, keep reading to determine what kind of ankle pain you have. Sprained Ankle An ankle sprain occurs when sudden damage causes the ligament to overstretch. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bone to bone, which allows them to move in relation to each other.

23 September 2021

Top Things You Should Know About Auto Injury Therapy

Health & Medical Blog

If you were involved in a car accident and suffered an injury because of it, you might have seen your doctor for care. Since then, your doctor might have recommended that you undergo auto injury therapy. You probably want to be as well-informed as possible about your healthcare, so you might want to learn a little more about auto injury therapy. These are a few examples of different things that you will probably want to know, for example.

25 August 2021

Making Use Of Medical Scribe Services

Health & Medical Blog

As a physician, you can appreciate the importance of keeping clear and accurate patient records. Even so, you may not have the time or talent to sit down and transcribe out your notes during or at the end of a busy day. Instead of allowing your patient files to become disorganized or not kept properly, you can outsource their upkeep to someone who is trained to transcribe them for you. Here is how you can benefit from using the services of a medical scribe.

26 July 2021

What Your OBGYN Wants You To Know About Cervical Cancer

Health & Medical Blog

Fears of cervical cancer are among the biggest reasons why people make appointments with an OBGYN. Cervical cancer can be deadly, and this is why diagnosis and treatment are so important. Do you want to learn more about cervical cancer? These are the common facts people do not know about cervical cancer until their first OBGYN appointment. HPV Causes Most Cases One of the most common causes of cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted infection known as human papillomavirus (HPV).

23 June 2021

What's Normal And Abnormal To Experience After Knee Replacement?

Health & Medical Blog

Knee replacement surgery is a major operation. As such, there will be a recovery period, and you can expect some pain and discomfort during that recovery period. It is important to know, though, whether what you are experiencing is normal or whether it is a sign that something's amiss. Here's a look at some things you might experience after knee replacement — along with indications as to whether each experience is normal or abnormal.

21 May 2021

Signs You Should Ask Your Doctor About Sleep Medicines

Health & Medical Blog

Sleep medicines can be a great solution for people who are really struggling to sleep. However, as they can have some unpleasant side effects and are sometimes addictive, they are not for every patient or every situation. So, how do you know whether you should ask your doctor about sleep medicines or not? Well, if the following are true of your situation, then it's time to have the conversation. You've already improved your sleep hygiene but to no avail.

24 March 2021

How Can You Address Upper Back Pain

Health & Medical Blog

A lot of the advice out there for treating back pain is pretty general. And if anything, it seems to focus on lower back pain because that tends to be the most common and the most severe. However, if your back pain is concentrated in your upper back, a lot of the targeted lower back stretches — and recommendations like sleeping with a pillow between your legs — won't do much for it.

17 February 2021