4 Signs That Your Staff Members Might Be Stealing Medication From Your Practice

Health & Medical Blog

As medical professionals, you and your employees probably handle a lot of medication and other medical supplies in your practice on a daily basis. What many doctors do not think about, however, is just how common it is for employees to steal medication from the practices that they work for. These are some of the signs that you can look out for to determine if your staff members are stealing medication from your medical practice.

31 July 2015

3 Ways To Reduce Your Chances Of A Yeast Infection


Yeast infections are fungal infections that are usually characterized by burning and itching in the genital region. For every four ladies in this country, three of them will have such an infection in their lifetimes. Many of them will go on to have more than one. They can be very uncomfortable; to avoid them, use the following tips to reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection. Reduce Sugar in Your Diet

30 July 2015

4 Things Parents Need To Know About The Polio Vaccine

Health & Medical Blog

Kids living in the United States today don't have to worry about the same diseases that their parents and great grandparents had to deal with. Some diseases, like polio, have been eradicated in the United States thanks to vaccination programs. Even though polio isn't present in the United States anymore, it's still important to get your child vaccinated for the disease. Here are four things parents need to know about the polio vaccine.

17 July 2015

Hate Your Varicose Veins? 3 Vein Removal Options To Get Your Great Legs Back

Health & Medical Blog

If you have developed varicose veins on your legs, then you may dread wearing those summer shorts that you used to love wearing. While others may not notice those problematic veins, you may feel less confident showing off your legs. Thankfully, varicose vein treatment is now easier than ever, and you even have several options to choose from that can eliminate them quickly with little to no downtime. Consider one of the following varicose vein removal options:

13 July 2015

Kyphosis - An Age-Related Posture Problem

Health & Medical Blog

As you grow older, you may find yourself bending over from your upper back as you walk. This slight curvature of the spine is common in many older people. Orthopaedic specialists call this kyphosis, a back-to-front curvature of the spine. Normally, not a problem, for some people it becomes so severe that standing up is difficult without support. Here is what you need to know about this bone disorder and how your doctor can help.

17 June 2015

Check For Cardiological Defects After A Heart Attack: How Diagnostic Cardiology Procedures Help

Health & Medical Blog

After a heart attack, there could be several things wrong with your heart or pulmonary system that could cause another attack within hours or days of the initial attack. If you have never seen a heart specialist or cardiologist before, you will definitely be referred to one after a heart attack. He or she will want to perform some cardiology procedures, specifically a diagnostic cardiac catheterization, to check for all of the following.

3 June 2015

3 Options For Managing Tinnitus

Health & Medical Blog

Do you suffer from tinnitus? Is the constant ringing or buzzing in your ear driving you crazy? Tinnitus can be a frustrating condition. For many people, it can lead to other serious conditions like anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Tinnitus is often accompanied by hearing loss and is usually caused by long-term, consistent exposure to loud noises. If you have a constant ringing or buzzing in your ears, you should probably get your hearing check to see if you're losing some of your ability.

20 May 2015

Medical Supplies You May Want To Keep In Your Cabinet

Health & Medical Blog

It's always a good idea to have medical supplies on hand so you don't have to rush to the pharmacy in the middle of the night. You should tailor your supplies to your individual needs. As you get older, health problems become more common, and you may need to stock supplies for diabetes or allergies. However, you should keep general supplies on hand as well. Here are some medical supplies you may want to keep in your medicine cabinet.

1 May 2015

Go Nutty And Save Your Heart: 4 Heart-Healthy Nuts To Add To Your Diet

Health & Medical Blog

Cardiovascular disease is a scary thing to have to worry about developing, especially for those who have a family history of it. Most people will do their best to eat healthy, exercise regularly and do whatever it takes to reduce their risk. One thing that you may not be aware of is the fact that eating heart-healthy mixes of nuts can help reduce one's overall risk of heart disease, including stroke and heart attacks.

18 April 2015

Do You Have An Increased Risk Of Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Health & Medical Blog

Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that causes one of the organs in your pelvic region to drop down and push against the walls of your vagina. Most often, the organ is the bladder, but it could be the urethra, the rectum, the small bowel, or the uterus. Pelvic organ prolapse is not uncommon, but it's not always a severe case and can sometimes improve without treatment over time. It's important for you to know what increases your risk of pelvic organ prolapse so you can work with your doctor to better your situation.

3 April 2015