If you or your family is in need of reunification therapy services, it's important to be aware of some basic information about these services. The following are seven things to be aware of when it comes to reunification therapy services.
Reunification Therapy Helps Reestablish Familial Relationships
Reunification therapy is used to make it easier for individuals to reestablish familial relationships that have become broken for whatever reason.
These services can be used in any scenario where family members have been separated and must be reunited. Such therapy is especially needed and helpful when a family has experienced trauma or conflict resulting in separation.
Usually, Reunification Therapy Services Are Used for Parent-Child Relationships.
Although these services can be used in many situations, they are most commonly used to help reestablish a parent-child relationship. When children have been separated from their parents for some time, reunification therapy services can help to re-establish a healthy relationship.
Reunification Therapy Makes Communication Easier in Difficult Situations
A professional in reunification therapy eases communication between two individuals. During therapy, positive and constructive methods of communication are found to reestablish a familial bond.
Reunification Therapy Services Are Commonly Used After a Contentious Divorce
Perhaps the most common scenario where reunification therapy is relied upon is after a contentious divorce.
During a contentious divorce involving a custody dispute, one or both parents may have been unable to see or have custody of their children. After the divorce has been finalized, reunification therapy services will then help parents and children to pick up where they left off when contact begins again.
Reunification Therapy Services Can Be Used for Children in Foster Care
Another scenario where reunification therapy is frequently needed is in foster care situations. If a child has been in foster care and is going back to living with his or her biological parents, reunification therapy may be used to achieve a smooth transition.
Reunification Therapy Is Compulsive in Some Situations
In most cases, all parties involved voluntarily request or seek out reunification therapy. However, in some situations, this type of therapy may be compulsory if a court deems it necessary.
There Are Numerous Possible Settings for Reunification Therapy
Usually, parties who are participating in reunification therapy will go to therapy sessions in a clinical setting. However, it's also often possible to have therapy sessions done at home.
Other possibilities include holding therapy sessions at foster homes or in a state meeting facility if therapy is required by the court. Click here for more info about reunification therapy.
Share24 January 2022
When my daughter began having academic problems in school and acting out, I knew that something wasn’t right. Her teachers wanted me to put her on ADD medications, but I didn’t think that that was the right course for us. I had serious doubts that ADD was what was causing her problems. I took her to several different specialists before discovering that her issues in school were actually do to a visual processing problem. The doctor recommended vision therapy, not medication, to help correct the problem and get her back on track. The exercises are really starting to pay off, and she’s showing great improvement.