Urinary tract infections can develop in babies, but because they are not able to make their needs known, you may not know that your child is sick. Infections of the urinary tract in babies need to be recognized and treated promptly to avoid complications, such as kidney involvement. Here are three symptoms of urinary tract infections in babies and what you can do about them:
Loss of Appetite
Sometimes, the only symptom of a urinary tract infection in babies is loss of appetite. If you notice that your baby is eating poorly, even in the absence of other symptoms such as fever and persistent crying, make an appointment with your pediatrician.
The doctor will order a urinalysis to determine if bacteria, blood, or other sediments are in your baby's urine. If these components are discovered, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. After the entire course of antibiotics has been completed, your baby's appetite will be restored and they will probably feel much better. A repeat urinalysis will also be ordered to make sure that the infection has been completely eliminated.
Dry Diaper
If your baby is not voiding as usual and has a dry diaper, he or she may have a urinary tract infection. While an appointment with a pediatrician is in order, you should encourage your baby to drink plenty of fluids so that an effective pattern of urination can be restored.
Scanty urination from a urinary tract infection is often related to bladder spasms, and after the infection has been treated with the appropriate antibiotic, the spasms will subside. Bladder spasms are often very painful, so if your baby has a dry diaper and is also crying persistently, the possibility of a urinary tract infection should be considered.
Poor Skin Turgor
Urinary tract infections often lead to dehydration, especially in babies and elderly people. To determine if your baby is dehydrated, check his or her skin turgor. To do this, gently grasp the skin on the back of the hand, and if it forms a "tent" and does not snap back into place after a second or two, dehydration and urinary tract infection may be present.
Having your child drink more fluids will help treat dehydration and will help flush away infection-causing microorganisms from the urinary tract. While increasing fluid intake is an effective approach, your baby will still need to visit the pediatrician for a urine test.
If your baby exhibits any of the above symptoms, call your pediatrician to determine if your child has a urinary tract infection. Other symptoms of a urinary tract infection may include fever, chills, vomiting, blood in the urine, sweating, and abdominal tenderness. When urinary tract infections are recognized and treated early, complications, such as renal involvement, are less likely to occur. To learn more, visit sites like http://www.advocarelerchamatopeds.com.
Share19 January 2018
When my daughter began having academic problems in school and acting out, I knew that something wasn’t right. Her teachers wanted me to put her on ADD medications, but I didn’t think that that was the right course for us. I had serious doubts that ADD was what was causing her problems. I took her to several different specialists before discovering that her issues in school were actually do to a visual processing problem. The doctor recommended vision therapy, not medication, to help correct the problem and get her back on track. The exercises are really starting to pay off, and she’s showing great improvement.